Consult and Train

Where conversations flourish and confidence grows

Effective communications workshops and courses to foster better dialogues and build strong relationships with teams, using a toolbox from the arts

Performance Management with Compassion

Better Conversations and Confidence for Success

Your ability to listen, and skillfully use your different ‘voices’ in talk, determines your success as a leader.

Consult and Train often hear people admit that their communication skills could be improved. However great your business, sustainable and consistent success - including in staff retention, is much harder to attain without good communication and confidence. Consult and Train works to empower people and teams to become the best version of themselves. This helps keep your team productive and your staff will want to stay.

Business Communication Training

Consult and Train specializes in delivering communication training and team communication workshops for businesses and organisations of all sizes. With a focus on valuing listening, Consult and Train collaborate with a team of associates to provide effective communication solutions.

Consult and Train offers Leadership Development Programs and Professional Communication Skills Training to teach people in businesses and organisations to engage in better conversations and build confidence in communication for a healthier, more content work environment.

They do this with a sensitive, clear, insightful mentoring style through workshop facilitation, one-to-one work using Voiceprint, or big group work. They are at home in a university setting, hospital training, in the public sector, and also in a big business setting.

Download a PDF of our programmes to see what we can offer your business:

man in white dress shirt sitting beside woman in black long sleeve shirt
man in white dress shirt sitting beside woman in black long sleeve shirt

I really enjoyed the VoicePrint session that Elspeth delivered to me. Highly recommended if you want to improve your communication skills.
- Ian Simms, Director at Skillwise


woman in black jacket sitting beside woman in white blazer
woman in black jacket sitting beside woman in white blazer

As an accomplished actor, author, broadcaster, and coach, Elspeth brought an array of relevant talents to the task of reviewing my TalkWise podcast. More importantly still, she is a careful and generous listener, with great awareness and a profound appreciation of the sounds and significances of voice and the spoken word.
- Alan Robertson, Developer & owner of VoicePrint, Founder & Director of TalkWise Ltd

Elspeth's guidance and insights were instrumental in developing accessible content for young individuals with vision impairment. I wholeheartedly endorse Elspeth for her professionalism mostly in promoting accessibility and empowering marginalized communities.
Dr. Aikaterina I. Tavoulari BA (Hons), MEd (Distin), PhD, FHEA, CPsychol Innovation Researcher and Championing Clinician

Thank you so very much for your participation, which made a huge difference to the event and helped make it a success.
- Dr Imran Saif MB BS, FCPS (Med), FCPS (Neph), FASN, FRCP
Associate Postgraduate Dean, Health Education England

Ideas are ten a penny, but Elspeth Penny knows how to organise ideas into a learning and enriching frame-work.
- Tony Staveacre,
Award-winning tv and radio producer

I became familiar with Elspeth's performance work through having observed her acting as a patient during a selection process for GP training. I was impressed by her authentic portrayal of the case concerned, as well as the flexibility she showed in responding to different interpretations by the trainee doctors, whilst staying within the confines of the brief - not an easy task. It is immediately apparent that Elspeth is a highly reflective practitioner who can adapt her performance skills to a variety of genres and for different audiences and purposes
- Jane Rowe,
Senior Fellow HEA, Learning and Teaching Advisor at Exeter University

THANK YOU - for your excellence, professionalism, dedication to detail and for making us always so proud of what we have to offer to such an important process. Feedback from the medical and admin teams was, as ever, full of praise - and admiration
- Sandy Akerman,
Exeter University

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