Voiceprint with Consult and Train

Empower Your Team with Effective Communication

Elspeth Penny

5/3/20243 min read

Empower Your Team with Effective Communication

Committed to enhancing individual and organizational communication skills, Voiceprint workshops with Consult and Train offer a safe and confidential space for team members to explore and express themselves. Voiceprint is a pivotal tool in Consult and Train's effective communication toolbox.

The Cost of Unskilled Communication

Did you know disengagement is costing the UK economy more than £340bn every year in lost training and recruitment costs, sick days, productivity, creativity and innovation. Creating an environment where employees feel comfortable expressing their ideas and concerns without fear of repercussions is crucial for business success.

Why Talk Matters

Talk is a fundamental human capability that plays a central role in how we converse, think, and manage ourselves. However, effective communication is often elusive, with misunderstandings and crossed purposes leading to wasted time and energy.

Introducing the Voiceprint Model

The Voiceprint model offers a practical framework to understand and use talk effectively. It distinguishes nine different forms of talk, each serving a unique function, providing a comprehensive 3-dimensional perspective on communication.

Voiceprint as a Diagnostic Tool

Voiceprint not only serves as a model of competence but also as a diagnostic tool to raise awareness about how individuals and groups currently use talk. With components like Self-Perception profiles, 360 Feedback, Group or Relationships profiles, and Listening profiles, Voiceprint offers valuable insights into communication dynamics.

What Sets Voiceprint Apart

Unlike traditional personality-based tools, Voiceprint focuses on behavior in action, providing a closer look at actual communication practices. It recognizes that behavior is influenced by various factors, offering a flexible approach to communication development tailored to individual needs.

Long-Term Solutions with Voiceprint

Voiceprint reports highlight competencies and limitations in everyday and stressful situations. To ensure lasting change, we provide practical guides, strategies for continuous learning, and tried-and-tested methods to deepen understanding.

Why Choose Voiceprint?

  • Empowerment: When employees feel heard, they are 4.6 times more likely to perform to the best of their ability.

  • Retention: Strong workplace training has a high impact on employee satisfaction and loyalty.

  • Effectiveness: Voiceprint software continues to evolve, offering enhanced tools for improved communication.


"As an accomplished actor, author, broadcaster, and coach, Elspeth brought an array of relevant talents to the task of reviewing my TalkWise podcast. More importantly still, she is a careful and generous listener, with great awareness and a profound appreciation of the sounds and significances of voice and the spoken word. For anyone who is either proposing to launch a podcast or, like me, finds themselves wanting to develop and improve one that they already host, I can thoroughly recommend Elspeth's service as a consultant who will deliver honest and pertinent critique combined with thoughtful and creative advice."
Alan Robertson, Developer & owner of VoicePrint, Founder & Director of TalkWise Ltd

"Really enjoyed the VoicePrint session that Elspeth delivered to me. Highly recommended if you want to improve your communication skills."
Ian Simms, Director at Skillwise

"After a Voiceprint session, I learned to use my voices more constructively. By developing my Inquiry voice, I've given my employees more space to find their own voices."
Workshop Participant

"I've been pleasantly surprised about what I've learned about myself and the tools I can use with new knowledge from Voiceprint."
Bristol-based Manager

Workshop feedback:

Workshop Participant’s said: "It was a really lovely way to touch base with the more practical, day to day part of ourselves".

"I loved the way you seemlessly brought in role-play with such naturalness and skill, which meant that I could see immediately where I wasn't listening skillfully'.

"The takeaway from this session for me is that when I feel attacked, I can consider that this person it trying to challenge me, but perhaps less skilfully than is possible for them."

"Interesting to break it down in to submodalities. Questioning my own strengths and how to stretch ourselves."

"It’s easy to feel you are doing one thing, but actually you’re doing another.’"

"It’s empowering to see the definitions and the skills and realising what skills I have"

"What I will take from this session is how I talk… I’ll be spending some time thinking about that".

"Really useful to see the definitions of our voices."

person holding black rotary telephone
person holding black rotary telephone